Assign Teams Phone number to users with Lifecycle Workflows in Entra ID Governance

When new employees are about to start in a company, one of the tasks that needs to be done before the employees have its first day is to assign a phone number to them, so they are able to make and receive phone call in their everyday work. If you are using Microsoft Teams in … Read more

Connect to Microsoft Teams PowerShell using Azure App reg. (Service principal) 

Not long ago Microsoft finally release a new version for the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module (4.8.0) that adds the ability to authenticate to Microsoft Teams using a Azure App reg. 
Using a Azure App reg. Is in my opnion the most secure way to authenticate when you are running scheduled task (or simlar). So if you are not using this method in your automation scripts with Teams, you should start ajusting (on your own risk ofc). 
The ability to use this method to authenticate has not been working for at least 1½ year (as of this writing) so I’m very excited to share the method with you guys. 

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What is InterpretedUserType in Microsoft Teams?

I decided to write this blog to help other people get a better understanding of what InterpretedUserType is. My first in encounter with InterpretedUserType was almost a year ago when I was troubleshooting why a user in my Teams environment couldn’t receive PSTN phone calls using Direct Routing even though the user was enabled for … Read more

Set or change a Teams users call forwarding settings with PowerShell

So, as the title says, its now possible to manage a user in your Team tenants call forwarding settings. This is a feature that has been missed by many UC administrator since Teams replaced Skype for Business. But now it’s finally here – Sort of, the features is in preview. The features was release with the new preview version of the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module on the 9 December.

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